
The foundation SuperACT is founded in September 2013 as an organization external of the University of Twente. The foundation SuperACT contains three elements in the organization: a Director, a Board, and a Council.

Managing Director is dr. ing. A. Nijhuis, the manager of research and utilization activities within the Foundation and the prime initiator of new projects. The Director also acts as the treasurer of the foundation.

Board: Foundation SuperACT is headed by the Board of which the composition is as follows:

  • Chairman is prof. H.J.M. ter Brake, chair holder of EMS.
  • Treasurer is dr. ing. A. Nijhuis, program leader research on Fusion Superconductors within EMS chair and Managing Director SuperACT.
  • Member is prof. dr. ir. H.H.J. ten Kate, special chair holder Industrial Applications of Superconductors within EMS.

The Foundation operates on basis of a long-term planning that is yearly laid down by the Board. In addition, the Board determines the financial organization on a yearly basis. The Board is advised in both long-term and yearly planning by the Council. In contractual matters, the Board represents the Foundation.

The special chair Industrial Application of Superconductors within EMS, held by prof. dr. ir. H.H.J. ten Kate, also appointed at CERN Geneva, is also integrated in the yearly SuperACT and Councel meetings.

All participating partners (industries and other research institutes) advise the Board on the long-term planning and the yearly financial organization and can discuss developments in the research on cryogenic technologies and high-power superconductivity and utilization thereof.

The objective of the Foundation is to initiate new research, development, and utilization projects. One or more of the SuperACT partners can take part in such a project. The participants in the project need to take care of the financing. Obviously, support from local, national, and international governmental institutes or organizations will be sought.

The Foundation SuperACT employs personnel for performing the projects. The involvement of EMS in these projects is arranged in a framework agreement with the University of Twente. Within this agreement, personnel costs (including overhead) and use of infrastructure of EMS will be specified. Vice versa, personnel that are employed by the Foundation SuperACT can be hired by UT to participate in research projects at EMS. Research personnel will be appointed by SuperACT if there is adequate financial basis to do so either from SuperACT projects or through hiring by EMS. In this respect, SuperACT overhead also needs to be taken into account.

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